
7月 21, 2023




by antdance


分类:WEBSITE PROMOTION发布:7月 21st, 2023标签:

by antdance



如果有 现成的网站,可以直接使用。如果没有,我们可以代为建站。我们使用wordpress建站。












  • Importance of website promotion
  • The role of domain names in website promotion
  • Overview of free website promotion methods

1. Utilize Social Media Platforms (H2)

a. Create a Strong Presence on WeChat (H3)

  • Importance of WeChat in China
  • Tips for creating a WeChat account for website promotion
  • Engaging with followers and sharing website content

b. Leverage the Power of Weibo (H3)

  • Introduction to Weibo and its significance
  • Strategies for building a strong presence on Weibo
  • Using hashtags, engaging with influencers, and sharing website links

c. Explore Other Chinese Social Media Platforms (H3)

  • Overview of other popular Chinese social media platforms
  • Tips for utilizing platforms such as Douyin, QQ, and Bilibili
  • Leveraging user-generated content and collaborations for promotion

2. Optimize Website Content (H2)

a. Conduct Keyword Research (H3)

  • Importance of keyword research for SEO
  • Tools and techniques for finding popular keywords in Chinese
  • Strategically incorporating keywords into website content

b. Write Compelling and Relevant Content (H3)

  • The significance of high-quality content for website promotion
  • Tips for creating engaging and informative content in Chinese
  • Understanding the target audience and addressing their needs

c. Implement On-Page SEO Techniques (H3)

  • Overview of on-page SEO techniques for Chinese websites
  • Guidelines for meta tags, headings, and URL optimization
  • Importance of mobile optimization for better website ranking

3. Collaborate with Influencers (H2)

a. Identify and Connect with Relevant Influencers (H3)

  • Benefits of influencer collaborations for website promotion
  • Strategies for finding and reaching out to influencers in China
  • Negotiating partnerships and leveraging their audience

b. Guest Blogging and Content Partnership (H3)

  • Exploring opportunities for guest blogging on influential websites
  • Guidelines for creating valuable content for guest blogging
  • Building long-term content partnerships to increase website visibility

c. Influencer Giveaways and Contests (H3)

  • The effectiveness of giveaways and contests in engaging users
  • Tips for organizing successful influencer-driven giveaways
  • Utilizing user-generated content for extended reach

4. Harness the Power of Online Communities and Forums (H2)

a. Participate Actively in Relevant Online Communities (H3)

  • The significance of online communities and forums for website promotion
  • Finding and joining relevant communities in China
  • Adding value to discussions and subtly promoting the website

b. Provide Expert Advice and Solve Problems (H3)

  • Establishing credibility as an expert in the field
  • Identifying common problems in the community and providing solutions
  • Strategically inserting website links for further information

c. Conduct AMAs (Ask Me Anything) (H3)

  • Hosting live Q&A sessions to engage with the audience
  • Promoting the website through informative and engaging AMAs
  • Encouraging participants to visit the website for more resources

5. Utilize Email Marketing (H2)

a. Build an Email Subscriber List (H3)

  • Importance of building an email subscriber list for website promotion
  • Strategies for collecting email addresses from the target audience
  • Offering incentives and valuable content to encourage sign-ups

b. Create Engaging Email Campaigns (H3)

  • Tips for crafting compelling email content in Chinese
  • Designing visually appealing and mobile-responsive emails
  • Incorporating call-to-action buttons and website links

c. Personalize and Segment Email Campaigns (H3)

  • Importance of personalization and segmentation in email marketing
  • Strategies for segmenting the email list based on user preferences
  • Tailoring email content to the specific interests of each segment


  • Recap of free website promotion methods
  • Importance of consistent effort and tracking results
  • Emphasize the potential impact of implementing these strategies

ARTICLE_TITLE: 有域名怎么免费做#网站推广#


ARTICLE_TAG: FreeWebsitePromotion

ARTICLE_META_DESCRIPTION: 了解如何使用域名来免费推广您的网站,通过社交媒体、优化内容、与意见领袖合作、在线社区和电子邮件营销等方法提高网站知名度。

antdance #蚂蚁跳动#人工智能科技,我们是一家人工智能初创企业。致力于通过ai能力解决营销问题。一个是基于传统搜索引擎的网站内容生成营销;一个是基于新媒体的短视频内容全自动生成与营销。基于#蚂蚁跳动#针对性训练的ai模型可以产出高质量网站内容和短视频内容。并且这些都是全自动化的。立即联系我们免费体验100条高质量文章发布。[contact-form-7 id="5238" title="post form"]





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